- Active SCE electric account.
- Pay Public Purpose Program (PPP) surcharge.*
- No measure/project may submit, claim or receive any rebates, discounts, incentives, or services from any other program.**
- Additional eligibility requirements may apply. Speak with your program representative to learn more.
*PPP surcharge must be paid for the account where energy-efficient equipment will be installed. Exception made for customers exempt from gas PPP (per Public Utilities Code Section 896).
**No Measure, no Project, nor any Customer service account that is part of a Project, may use, submit, claim, or receive any rebates, discounts, incentives, or services from any other program, energy efficiency related or otherwise, for the Project or for any Measure installed at the Customer’s Site (whether or not installed pursuant to these Programs), for which the energy and demand savings have already been compensated including the attribution of energy and demand savings or reductions for a single Measure/activity at multiple market intervention points (e.g., energy savings or reductions claimed upstream, midstream, and at the Customer) where a particular Measure was installed or activity occurred.